The parameterisation of an offset time between a vehicle traffic stream and a parallel pedestrian is not sufficient to prevent the pedestrian traffic stream from switching to green after the vehicle traffic stream has turned green. For this purpose, an interlock must also be defined between the vehicle traffic stream and the pedestrian traffic stream.

The interlock prevents a dependent traffic stream from being switched on if the relevant traffic stream is already green or the green duration is greater than the value dt. The interlock acts in the transition, i.e. at the level of the display elements. To ensure that interlocked traffic streams do not have a negative effect on the stage composition, it is necessary for the parameterisation to take place at the level of the traffic streams. The assignment of two traffic streams whose display elements are to be locked must be entered. It is therefore sufficient if a locking pair of display elements with a traffic stream locking is determined. vs | plus automatically forms the locking for all traffic streams that contain both display elements. This automatic conversion is determined by which UN-conditional display elements are assigned to the individual traffic stream. The parameterisation of an interlock for traffic streams without display elements therefore does not result in an interlock. As described, the actual processing of the interlocking takes place at the level of the display elements. The corresponding pairs at the level of the display elements are determined from the interlocking pairs of the traffic streams.

A decisive display element defines an area for a withheld display element in which switching is permitted or not permitted. Switching commands in the unauthorised area are not executed. They are cancelled and not switched at a later time. These areas are "extrapolated" for the traffic streams, which leads to an interlocking conflict for traffic streams. Such "conflicting" traffic streams are no longer switched. Also, only main streams can cancel such traffic streams, but only if they no longer extend.

Figure 44: Switch-on range of the interlock at the level of the display elements

  • Switching on permitted: Relevant display element has lock, transition lock - free, free time less than dT or transition time free - lock and minimum locking period (basic supply) have expired.
  • Switching on not permitted: Relevant display element is free, free time greater than or equal to dT, transition free - lock or the minimum locking time has not expired.

The joint restart of the relevant and dependent traffic stream is carried out according to the general rules of vs | plus. However, the authoritative traffic stream is switched on again at the earliest after its minimum red time according to the basic supply of the display element.

Specials: Mutual or cascading interlocking is possible. However, the conditions must be selected so that they can be executed (intergreen times, OB, dT). The first unfulfilled condition leads to a cancellation of the restraint.

Particular attention must be paid to the combination of offset (OB) and locking. 

Figure 45: Example of an interlock

As 2 is locked, but is in the non-permitted range after intergreen time, it is not switched. However, this means that the time position of 3 is no longer correct. For time reasons, it is no longer possible to recalculate the conditions for 3 at this point in time. 3 is no longer switched correctly. I.e. the intergreen times are not undershot, but the signal turns green at an undefined point in time. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that such cases do not occur.






locking (decisive) traffic stream

A dependent traffic stream can interrupt its authoritative traffic stream with its intervention type. That is, if a traffic stream is locked, the same conditions apply to the engagement of the dependent as if the two traffic streams were conflicting. When the pointer selects a main traffic stream that is locked, its lockers must first close before it can be switched to green. However, this closing may only occur if the main traffic stream is also switched, and it is not suppressed by a main traffic stream from a higher priority element. In the new version of vs | plus, the priority elements are only switched to red when the dependent main traffic stream is also switched. It may happen that from one lock pair the pointer is on the dependent one. The dependent is entered in the auxiliary row and can also be switched. By delaying the switching on of the main current, the auxiliary current is switched to green earlier. At the time of switching on the main current, dt is exceeded and the dependent can no longer be switched. In the new version, a relevant auxiliary current is only switched if its assigned dependent main current is also switched.


Traffic Streams


locked (dependent) traffic stream

A dependent traffic stream can interrupt its authoritative traffic stream with its intervention type. This means that if a traffic stream is locked, the same conditions apply to the engagement of the dependent as if the two traffic streams were conflicting.


Traffic Streams


latest switch on

Enter, in seconds, the time in the green of the TS_decis from which the lock is to take effect.

0 .. 3276

Time in seconds