Switching off the relevant traffic stream

If the pointer selects a main stream that is interlocked, its interlocking traffic streams must first close before it can be switched to green. However, this closing may only take place if the main stream is also switched and it is not suppressed by a main stream from a higher priority element. In vs | plus version 6.0, the priority streams are only switched to red when the dependent main stream is also switched.

It can happen that the pointer of a locking pair is on the dependent one. The master is entered in the slave row and can also be switched. Delays in switching on the main stream cause the secondary stream to switch to green earlier. When the main current is switched on, dt is exceeded and the dependent can no longer be switched. In vs | plus version 6.0, a decisive secondary stream is only switched if its assigned dependent main stream is also switched.

Switching on a dependent traffic stream

A dependent traffic stream can cancel its decisive traffic stream with its intervention type. This means that if a traffic stream is interlocked, the same conditions apply for switching on the dependent traffic stream as if the two traffic streams were in conflict.

Idle stage

If the decisive traffic stream remains on green (e.g. in the idle stage), the dependent traffic stream forces the decisive traffic stream to switch off after the maximum green time 2 (tg max2) or after the end of the frame of the decisive traffic stream.

Switching on a decisive traffic stream

In the area of the display elements, it can happen that a dependent display element is still locked, but the decisive element can already be switched to green. 



















DE2 and DE3 receive the switch-on command at the same time. As the intergreen time (TZ) from DE1 to DE2 is very short, this display element can be switched to green very quickly. However, DE3 may only be switched on after the minimum red time of DE1 has elapsed. At this point, however, dt (A) to DE2 has already been exceeded and DE3 may no longer be switched. 

Figure 46: Dependent display element cannot be switched

Now the start time of DE2 is shifted to allow DE3 to be switched to green.

Figure 47: Relevant display element is moved

This time adjustment of DE2 is carried out taking the offsets into account. This means that offsets that are influenced by this shift are corrected accordingly. However, the user is responsible for ensuring that there are no contradictions in the definition of the offsets and dt. If vs | plus detects an incorrect parameterisation, no offsets are controlled and an error message is issued. The effect of shifting only occurs if both display elements are also switched on simultaneously as a traffic stream.