vs | plus E-Learning
We offer various courses on our learning platform.
How does it work?
Create a personal account on the vs | plus Academy and then order the training course from us using the contact form. Once we have activated your account, you can work through the course content from any computer. However, we will not leave you alone at any time. At least one trainer per course supervises the course participants personally.
You can work through the content and exercises at your own pace, whenever you have time and as often as you like. The content consists of texts, images, videos, tests and assignments. Tests and assignments are handed in and graded and corrected by the instructor during office hours. At the end of the course, we offer a final test. After the final test, you can download your course certificate directly from the learning platform.
What are the advantages of vs | plus e-learning?
- You can learn in the evening, on the weekend or whenever you have time.
- You can learn from home, office or wherever you are. The main thing is that you have a computer and an internet connection or a cell phone with the appropriate app (Moodle).
- You go through the course content at your own pace.
- You solve the assignments and have enough time to let the content set before you move on to the next chapter.
- You can ask questions to the trainer via a chat channel or directly and you will receive personal support.
What courses do we offer?
Both vs | plus beginners and advanced users will find an appropriate range of courses. In addition, we are in the preparation of further, shorter expert course units.
Nr | Course (Basic Course English, all other German) | Price in EUR |
1 | vs | plus Basic Course (4 to 7 days approximately) | 1’950 |
2 | Prerequisite Test for vs | plus Advanced Course (30 minutes) | free |
3 | vs | plus Advanced Course (4 to 7 days approximately) | 2’150 |
4 | vs | plus expert: Bedarfsanlagen | 700 |
5 | vs | plus expert: VMod | 950 |
6 | vs | plus expert: open vs | plus | 1’950 |
7 | vs | plus expert: Befehlsdatei | free |
8 | vs | plus expert: Restzeitanzeige | free |
9 | vs | plus expert: ZSondereingriff | free |
Would you like to have everything summarized in one flyer?
Then download our flyer vs | plus Academy.
Still unsure? Then why not get a taste of e-learning with our demo course or the free expert courses “Befehlsdatei – Command File” and “Restzeitanzeige – Remaining Time Display”. These courses give you a quick insight into the structure of the e-learning platform and the look & feel of vs | plus e-learning.
Click here to get to our e-platform.