vs | test
The tool for testing a controller with vs | plus
Every traffic regulation must be tested in a reproducible manner before it is released on the road. This happens by means of the test bench vs | test. The more functions the test bench provides and the shorter an individual tests duration, the better the efficiency of the tester and, ultimately, the quality of the traffic control system. We differentiate between the following tests:
- Simple checks of functionality
- Understanding traffic-related processes
- Checking the traffic quality
- Guarantee the stability of the program in all situations.
The test bench focuses on points 1 to 3. For further evaluations on point 3 our product vs | pCoq can be used. Point 4 is obsolete for vs | plus since no programs are loaded, but only parameter sets.
The test bench offers different types of
- the visualization (diagrams, lamps, synoptic representation on site plan)
- the input of detector signals (switches, on site plan, macros for the reproducibility of test cases) and
- the reports of the results (lists, files for further use)
The test bench can be operated in different modes:
- Alone with the vs | emulator
all detector signals are generated manually or via macros - Together with vs | emulator and a simulator
the detector signals are generated by the simulation - On the controller: to visualize the processes
A supply for the test bench is created with vs | workSuite.
Macros and reports
The user has various options for configuring reproducible test cases:
- Recording of macros: All actuated detectors and reporting points are recorded
- Acquisition and editing of macros: All macros can also be entered and changed manually in the vs | workSuite
- Playing macros: recorded or macros created by vs | workSuite can be played as often as required
- Loop macros are used for automated, repeated testing of processes, with each start being postponed by a fixed interval. Loop macros can also feature nested calls
Recordings can be made in different formats:
- VPX recording
- Packed format for archiving and evaluation with vs | pCoq
- LDP recording in a text file that can be viewed with a text editor
- AMLI telegram recording in a text file