Overview vs | plus – Products
In traffic signal control, traffic-dependent control methods are required and used for a wide variety of tasks. The palette ranges from simple request systems to all-red systems to sophisticated, fully traffic-dependent control with priority given to local public transport. However, the broad use of traffic-dependent procedures in daily operations requires not only a high level of traffic-engineering performance, but also the associated tool environment must meet the demand for practical, effective and quality-assured application of the procedure in daily operations to a high degree.
vs | verkehrssysteme ag is the provider of traffic-dependent control procedures for traffic signal control. The company’s goal is to develop and provide high-performance, effective and intuitively usable traffic technology.
The control method vs | plus forms the core of this.
Corresponding tools have been developed around it:
- vs | pioneer – The tool for migration
- vs | studio (cherry, kiwi, mango) – The parameterisation tool
- vs | mate – The virtual control unit
- vs | edge – Our prediction tool
The main tool for creating vs | plus control systems is vs | studio. It can be used to create the basic supply and plan* the traffic light signal control.
The control system can be tested and analysed in vs | mate. The visualisation of states, variable values or programme switches and much more is supported in a visually appealing way. Do you not only want to test your control system, but also simulate it under load? With vs | mate you have the possibility to simulate your control system with PTV Vissim and/or Aimsum.
Many existing customers are familiar with our classic parameterisation tool vs | workSuite. The controls created in vs | workSuite can be migrated in no time at all with the help of vs | pioneer and made available for vs | studio or the new vs | plus world respectively.
If you are interested in switching time predictions, need to optimise your network control or coordinate nodes, then use vs | edge and the intelligent, self-learning algorithm it contains. vs | edge can also be used with a simulation programme or directly to influence traffic light signal controls. All options are open to you.
* As of today, vs | studio is able to create a basic supply. From this, the vs | plus assistant integrated in vs | studio creates a traffic-dependent control fully automatically. From 2024, it will also be possible to manually adjust the vs | plus parameters and the automatically generated basic parameters in vs | studio.