

In traffic signal control, traffic-dependent control methods are required and used for a wide variety of tasks. The palette ranges from simple request systems to all-red systems to sophisticated, fully traffic-dependent control with priority given to local public transport. However, the broad use of traffic-dependent procedures in daily operations requires not only a high level of traffic-engineering performance, but also the associated tool environment must meet the demand for practical, effective and quality-assured application of the procedure in daily operations to a high degree.

vs | verkehrssysteme ag is the provider of traffic-dependent control procedures for traffic signal control. The company’s goal is to develop and provide high-performance, effective and intuitively usable traffic technology.

Core of the vs | plus world is the traffic-dependent control method vs | plus. It has been widespread throughout Switzerland, throughout Germany and also outside of Europe for many years, and is successfully in operation in several thousand traffic light control systems. With vs | workSuite or vs | studio, the tool chain for the development, testing, supply and quality assurance of vs | plus, the traffic engineer has a comfortable and comprehensive environment for the use and handling of the procedure.

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