News from the vs | studio world: Release 2.2 is here!

We are pleased to announce that release 2.2 of vs | studio kiwi is now available! With this update we bring you new features, optimized performance and an even more intuitive user experience. vs | studio kiwi is very well suited for beginners in the vs | plus world to quickly create and supply basic supplies (VTU1) and to automatically […]

Release vs | workSuite 3.4 / vs | plus 9.1

We are pleased to announce the release of vs | workSuite version 3.4! Major update: vs | plus version 9.1 With this release, we are increasing the maximum number of traffic streams from 64 to 96, giving you even more flexibility and capacity for your traffic engineering tasks. Further improvements: For customers with a maintenance contract: Customers with an active […]

Create MAP files with vs | studio

We are working at full speed on the completion of a new functionality for vs | studio: the creation of so-called MAP files (at the moment used mainly in Germany). It will now be possible to create MAP files according to the DiMAP guide and C-ROADS manual. A corresponding extension for vs | studio kiwi is planned for Q4/2023. These […]

NEW: vs | studio kiwi

A good year ago, we rolled out vs | studio cherry and made it available as a free version of vs | studio via these pages. With the cherry version, it is possible to create and test a traffic-actuated vs | plus control system in no time at all, starting from an existing basic supply (OIVD file) and using a […]

vs | workSuite 3.3

vs | workSuite 3.3 Our traffic engineer application is ready in a new release: The vs | workSuite 3.3 is available now. You can read the full list of new features in our release notes (available in German). Please contact us for more information.

vs | studio 1.0

vs | studio, our newest parameterization tool, is now available. With this, starting from an OIVD file, a traffic-dependent traffic light control can be created in next to no time. See for yourself and download the free version vs | studio cherry. vs | studio cherry contains the engine for generating the traffic dependency and our test bench vs | […]

vs | workSuite 3.2

Our traffic engineering control software has been completed in a new release: The vs | workSuite 3.2 is now available. The new release supports “control on demand” and a forecast option, the so called residual red display. The parametrization of these new features need the latest release of vs | plus version 9.0. You can read the full list of new features […]

vs | workSuite 3.1

Our traffic engineering control software has been completed in a new release: The vs | workSuite 3.1 is available immediately with many changes and enhancements.
The following innovations are available only for vs | plus 8.1.0 and higher…

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