vs | plus 8.1
Our controller software vs | plus version 8.1 is now available and ready to be used in traffic controller hardware.
The following functionality is now available in version 8.1:
- vs | plus phase control: in addition to the known principles of controls based on the processing of main and secondary traffic streams, there is now also a phase-controlled control available.
- Traffic dependend modifications: the parametrization of traffic dependend modifications (Tmod) was completely revised in vs | plus 8.1 (and in vs | workSuite 3.1).
- More priority elements: the maximum number of priority elements in vs | plus 8.1 has been increased from 6 to 24.
- Public transport sequence: to be able to correctly parameterize track situations with several trams (streetcars) in vs | plus 8.1 new public transport sequences can be set up.
- With new open vs | plus functions it is now possible to get the train lenght.
- By means of the OCIT interface it is possible to read new process data values.
- etc.
To create the vs | plus parameterization, the vs | workSuite version 3.1 must be used. vs | plus 8.1 can no longer be parameterized with older versions of the vs | workSuite (prior to 3.1).
Parameterizations of older vs | plus versions can be changed by copying the intersection version in the vs | workSuite and then changing the vs | plus version to the new/higher version.
The documentation with the detailed information about vs | plus 8.1 is available here: vs | plus 8.1 documentation (this documentation is available in German only at the moment).
Do not hesitate to get in contact with us if you intend to implement vs | plus 8.1 on your controller or aim at a vs | plus 8.1 certification for your controller.